Alma’s family pioneered in Muskoka in the 1870s, where she lived most of her life. Following a vision of Jesus, she became a clairvoyant recluse, at age 50, creating prolific, intricate, colored pen and ink drawings, born of a rich inner life. She watched, as The Hand drew by itself, unfamiliar forms, faces, characters, separate from her consciousness. Tibetan gods, Joan of Arc figures and tales of Atlantis revealed themselves. As a Christian, she never claimed credit nor understanding. She said she didnt do them – The Hand did. They have been called the sacred language of light, activation drawings, with codes embedded in them for the evolution of humanity at this time. These energies may be accessed through meditation.
Tibetan gods have been identified in her work, by the spiritual advisor to the Dalai Lama, Kalu Rinpoche. Some drawings have writings on them; one is Alma Came To Earth As Joan of Arc. Another is Many Ghosts Are Alive But Are Controlled By God. Over two hundred pages are written on Atlantis, with abstract patterns above each page of writing.
Alma was given a genius as her spiritual guide. He was a black, turbaned man, who spoke with her and acted as confidante, as she drew unfamiliar, otherworldly beings, often connected by tubes from the mouth. Her images of heaven and messages of peace may offer us a blueprint for living, plus a warning that if we do not change our ways, our fate could be similar to that of the lost civilization of Atlantis.